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March 14, 2025

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Are you exhausted and overwhelmed with business, banking and financial decisions?

"Do I need to be an LLC?"    "Which Quickbooks do I need?"    "How do I pay my employees?"   

"How much tax am I going to owe?"

If you are lost between "debits and credits", federal and state regulations, setting up payroll, selecting which Quickbooks, establishing your books, entity and tax planning, outsourcing your bookkeeping, accounting and tax needs could be the best decision you make this year!

Even if you are established and are just wanting a better way to manage your financial needs; maybe a more innovative or better perspective, we can provide you impeccable results



Tax   Resolution

Are you in trouble?  Do you have several years of unfiled tax returns?  Do you need an Installment Agreement? What about tax negotiations, liens, levies or seizures? Are you waiting for a knock on your door or your neighbor's?

We are experts in communicating with the IRS. We are up to the minute on all the latest programs and solutions.

Don't take the IRS on by yourself! Let us take on your problem, today!



Please browse the pages of this site and feel free to e-mail any questions, suggestions or other feedback.

Use our menu to find our Financial Guidelines and Calculators

This will become your "go-to" guide to hundreds of tax and payroll questions, retirement products, mortgage types and financing, financial planning,  students financing , vehicle purchasing,  vehicle leasing and banking loans.

Stay Alert

If you want to know "What's Next"  or just want to review tax and financial topics of Interest, we have included our 

(Click here) Monthly Client Newletter



